tom's grad pix Christmas

  from the desk of Tomax7 Web Development

  Warning: The following is not a politically correct thought!


I purposely spilt X-Mas into two words...

Some want to take the "Christ" out of Christmas, so what do we have left? "Xmas." 

How fitting the letter X is used here.  X denotes a mistake or a forgotten answer.

It also represents the X in X-Generation, the so called forgotten kids.  How about the X-Files...those missing documents about aliens life forms.  (They haven't seen how kids look at you when asked to take the garbage out). 

I won't get into semantics about Jesus really being born around September or so, who cares, the point is to pick a date and remember it with your family.

But X is such a demeaning letter for something as wonderful as a celebration of birth.  But then again, as I ponder about it more, the letter X and what it represents actually fits and is true about Christmas!

Jesus, was forgotten about in a manger (mini barn) when He was born.  The majority of the world didn't even notice that their Savior was being born in a barn.  So X is fitting. 

Just like today, most will forget that Jesus was born to die for our sins, instead they will only celebrate about some baby being born - that has long since grown up and rescued us from destruction.

Or the forgotten person to invite to a party.  Imagine hosting a birthday party, go and invite all your friends,  make a huge turkey dinner, have fun and laughs, but then FORGET TO INVITE the person who's birthday you are actually celebrating...

That is what a million people do each year. Sad eh.  Loss of memory? No.  They (or you) forget to invite Jesus to be part of that party, part of your home, part of your life.  He's forgotten on His birthday.

This Christmas why not give the best present of all...your Jesus.  It's pretty simple.  It's just a simple prayer - "Dear Jesus, I want to invite you into my heart to be my Lord and Savior.  Please forgive me for all my sins".

There, that wasn't hard was it?  Nor expensive...well not for you, Someone paid with their Life for you.

Thank you Jesus, and hey, Merry Christmas Lord!

Tom McLaughlin
b-admin, mcse, mct, mous, a+

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