tom's grad pix
Where was God?

In light of the horrible attack on the World Trade Towers, I am hearing quite often the question, "Where is God?"

He is still here, and still in control.

God has not forsake America

God has not forsaken America. One thing I am hearing is people are wondering where God was in all this.

Rightfully so, they can ask. One has to just look around at the events of the past few weeks, months and years and can still ask that question. Lost loved ones, innocent children, brave souls trying to help others, and the list goes on.

It is sad that an event of this magnitude has to take place to cause people to look for God. Sad part is they seem to forget that since 1980 we've forced God out of our schools, laws, and government. Where is God? Replaced by secularism and other lifeless ideologies.

Now when things go awary, we are wondering where He is. Sad eh?

If He, God, was to act like us, He'd pull up His stakes and move to another place after being rejected all the time, but He has never left, it's us who have left God.

Take heart. God gave us free will and will not interfere with it, even if it means such horrible acts as what happened. Free will to do good, and free will to do bad.

Free will to receive God, free will to reject Him.

Some say God is not a "He". Ok fine. But who is God then? God is love. That's nice. Where was love in the terrorist act? Look closer, you will see Him working in people's lives, turning what was meant for evil into something better. On the surface, it looks hopeless doesn't it?

One thing I can say that happened was the grace of God abounded. Not to deminish the fact 6,000 people lost their lives, but when you consider the World Trade Center Towers house 50,000 workers plus heaven knows how many tourists where there that day, that number is very small. How about the near empty planes? Again, sad to see so many persish, but how many more could it have been?

Another act of God's grace was that the WTC buildings collapsed almost straight down, rather than topple over like domino's onto other buildings. The death toll then would be horrendious because of the fact not everyone had left the area immediately.

My heart goes out to the families of the fire fighters, police, and emergency medical service people who lost their lives trying to save someone else's. Even the fire chaplan lost his life giving last rights to some who perished. These people were acting unselfish. Something like God no?

When we think God wasn't there at the destruction, we miss the fact that He was. In His usual way helping those who call out to Him, not seen in the lime light, but off the to side somewhere.

Why not call out to God yourself and see that He is still here. He will answer.

He came into this world long ago to identify with us as a person called Jesus, who ended up dieing for you and me to defeat sin and death. God was there back 2,000 years ago wanting to help us overcome evil, and He is here today with the same heart and motive - to help us overcome evil in our time of need.

So remember to keep smiling, because God still is here and still loves you.

Tom McLaughlin
b-admin, mcse, mct, a+, linux