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Happy Easter!

If it wasn't for God's love for us,
we wouldn't have an Easter.

Think about it...


Oh sure we remember about Jesus being born in the manger, but do we know why He was born?  To live like us, grow up, face trails, and give His life 33 years later for our sins.  But it doesn't end there, He was raised from the dead fully justified. 

Most churches unfortunately still leave Jesus up on the cross. I got news for them...He's not there any more!  He's not in the grave any more!  He has risen!  God justified the pure Lamb, Jesus, the sacrifice for our sins by raising Him from the dead.

Also, think about this...Christianity is the ONLY belief (hate using the word "religion") that has their God who was born a nobody - not in some great palace, but unnoticed and in the barn with what...goats, pigs, sheep, cows and horses. Not only is that totally against what we "want" to think of a God as, but He didn't even make a show for Himself while here. He didn't get an interview on Larry King Live, or endorse some running shoes, or get His picture in the Jerusalem Post newspaper.

The next thing that is unique to the Christian faith from all others is our God is the only God to have left ALL the responsibility to proclaim His existence and personality to a bunch of rag time guys and gals who really weren't much to start with. They really had nothing really to go on but hope, love and faith.?

In today's society that would drive the PR guys nuts! We need a famous person to endorse our products! We need a catchy theme! We need some market positioning studies, and on and on and on.

Think about it - all we got is the words from a bunch of stinky fishermen, an empty tomb, and an old rugged cross to go on for our faith. Try that for your big product promo!

So it's all up to you to make known to others there really is a loving God out there. How do you do that? Simple. Just give of yourself to help others. Actions speak louder than words you know. How much how long, totally up to you, that's the beauty of it. There is no benchmark to say how much. Just be ready to help.

And that's what Jesus did. He did actions, healing people, praying for people and commissioning people to go out and heal the sick, cleanse the lepers and deliver people from demons.

So have a great Easter, enjoy your family and friends, go easy on the chocolates and remember the real Reason of the season, someone Special did die to give you life - Jesus didn't die spiritually but physically as a payment for sin.  A price so high we could have never paid it, but God's stepped in and showed us His love.

Also let this year, 2005, be one of happiness and joy, come celebrate with Alberta her 100th anniversary, I wish her well.

Tom McLaughlin