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Thanksgiving is a special time of the year!

Thanks Giving?

I purposely spilt Thanksgiving into two words...

We tend to forget in the hustle and bustle of today's society and demands to give thanks for just that...a society that can "hustle and bustle".

Many countries are without water, food, shelter and constant fear of war and revolution.  We complain about the traffic going to work. They complain that they might not see the next day if they go on the road.

We have to remember to give thanks.  That's what thanks giving comes from.  - giving thanks. 

Here are some points to give thanks for when you sit down to that delicious turkey supper:

  1. Thank you Lord for this country
  2. Thank you Lord for this family
  3. Thank you Lord for this food

If you want deeper stuff how about:

  1. Thank you Lord for the freedom we have
  2. Thank you Lord for the education we have
  3. Thank you Lord for the health we have

One more important one everyone seems to forget:

  1. Thank you Lord for choice.

Yes, thank the Lord for this.  In some countries you can't have freedom of religion or even freedom to NOT have religion.  Funny how the atheists and so on flap their mouths here about the freedom to believe that there isn't a God.  I'd like to see them try it over in some eastern country. 

Because of Christianity and the freedom it brings we can have freedom of choice.  God loves us so much that He gave us freedom of choice.  To believe in Him or not to believe in Him.

That is pure freedom and pure love.  A God who doesn't force Himself on you (religion forces, Christianity invites) to believe, what more can we ask for?

So be thankful for all the items above, but most of all be thankful for your freedom of choice.


Tom McLaughlin
b-admin, mcse, mct, a+, yadda yadda yadda

Past Articles:
What to pray? |
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 Israel | Multi Level Marketing-exposed | Where was God in the WTC disaster?