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from the desk of Tomax7

The Fall Season,
my favorite time of the year!

Believe it or not, I enjoy September and October, even November and December but then there's the "snow issue" in those months. 

A new school year, chances to make new friends, and catch up on all those self-made promises to do better this year at my studies. 

Yep, Fall is the greatest time of the year - warm during the day and cool at nights, and NO mosquitoes!

I hate/despise/avoid humid days of summer, and have a hard time falling asleep on a hot night.  But what a busy summer it was, with the forest fires, black outs, and heat waves.  Pray for the poor people in Europe and the Far East who cannot afford air conditioning and must suffer through it.

Myself, I haven't been more busy this summer.  Holidays?  Maybe in December.  I was working 12 hour days teaching at Bow Valley College and other places this summer.  Make hay while the sun shines I always said.  I also want to study to finally write my CCNA and MCSE exams, plus the new A+ format. Needless to say my plate is full.

The leaves are starting to change on the trees, bursting into a kaleidoscope of wonderful colours - one would almost think they are looking at a canvass painting by a Skilled Painter (well they are).

Be thankful for these times.  Summer is not over yet, winter isn't here, the tourists are all gone home, enjoy your city like one.  Traffic is now back to routine, no more dodging "tourists" or huge Winnebago's making a left hand turn from the curb lane.

Kids are back at school telling stories what they did over the summer, and the shock of waking up for class has disappeared and they look forward to class.  Well at least for a month or two.   Just remember to drive more carefully through school zones eh!

I enjoy this time because nature seems to be slowing down a bit, preparing for the long winter nights, squirrels are stocking up, birds are heading south, and things are quieter now that the neighbour's cat isn't in mating mode.

Enjoy this time of year, spend those weekends with the kids, because come winter, you'd wish you had done it earlier

Tom McLaughlin
mcse, mct, a+, b-admin

Past Articles:

What to pray? | Easter | Summer | Fall | Christmas |  My Biography | Dr. Freeman | Alberta Report
 Israel | Multi Level Marketing-exposed | Where was God in the WTC disaster?