10:32:07 From Tom & Bev McLaughlin To Everyone: Foundations Thursd Dec 8, 2022 10:32:10 From Tom & Bev McLaughlin To Everyone: Hello World 10:56:01 From Tom McLaughlin To Everyone: Welcome Laurie 10:58:05 From Laurie McLain To Everyone: blessings 10:58:36 From Tom McLaughlin To Everyone: Welcome Richard & Stella 10:58:39 From Tom McLaughlin To Everyone: Welcome Vicki 11:00:49 From Beverley McLaughlin To Tom McLaughlin(Privately): do you want to add new people when you start to teach 11:01:13 From Tom McLaughlin To Everyone: Welcome Yasmin 11:01:32 From Yasmin Lalas To Everyone: Thanks 11:01:33 From Tom McLaughlin To Everyone: Welcome Terri 11:01:38 From Tom McLaughlin To Everyone: Welcome Alex 11:01:45 From Tom McLaughlin To Everyone: Welcome Dan 11:02:35 From Terri G To Everyone: Thank you! Good afternoon, everyone! 11:02:49 From Alex To Everyone: Welcome everyone 11:07:02 From Yasmin Lalas To Everyone: I've already waited more than forty years so it's too late. 11:09:46 From Beverley McLaughlin To Tom McLaughlin(Privately): Never too late Yasmin 11:10:06 From Beverley McLaughlin To Everyone: Never too late Yasmin 11:15:22 From Beverley McLaughlin To Everyone: He who the Son sets free is free indeed 11:19:52 From Beverley McLaughlin To Everyone: He came to set the captives free 11:26:08 From Beverley McLaughlin To Everyone: Legalism 11:31:26 From Beverley McLaughlin To Everyone: I am The Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus 11:31:54 From G Michael Price To Everyone: John 8:31-32 11:32:34 From Beverley McLaughlin To Everyone: Faith works by Love 11:41:47 From Beverley McLaughlin To Everyone: It was for freedom that Christ has set us free 11:49:48 From Beverley McLaughlin To Everyone: Romans 8:2 11:50:51 From Beverley McLaughlin To Everyone: For the Law of the Spirit of Life has set you free from the Law of sin and death 11:51:20 From Beverley McLaughlin To Everyone: In Christ Jesus 11:53:01 From Beverley McLaughlin To Everyone: Walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfil the lusts of the flesh 11:54:25 From Beverley McLaughlin To Everyone: Gal 5:16 11:57:36 From Vicki Smith To Everyone: I have to leave the meeting. Love to you all. Praise the Lord for His Freedom! 11:58:08 From Beverley McLaughlin To Everyone: Bye Vicki 11:58:36 From G Michael Price To Everyone: Good Tom. Avoid such squabbles. 12:00:31 From G Michael Price To Everyone: Our atmosphere 12:00:45 From G Michael Price To Everyone: the Fruit 12:03:16 From G Michael Price To Everyone: sacrificial Love 12:07:00 From G Michael Price To Everyone: Great message today! 12:08:56 From G Michael Price To Everyone: Noted: Is this the Spirit leading?...check! 12:09:10 From Tom McLaughlin To Everyone: amen Michael 12:10:07 From G Michael Price To Everyone: Great one on Love! Yes and Amen! 12:10:12 From Beverley McLaughlin To Everyone: If you move your mouse it might stop moving 12:11:52 From Beverley McLaughlin To Everyone: Hebrew 3 & 4 12:12:29 From Beverley McLaughlin To Everyone: Amen Laurie 12:12:51 From Tom McLaughlin To Everyone: Hebrews 4:10 12:13:38 From G Michael Price To Everyone: Very nice addition. so true! 12:13:39 From Beverley McLaughlin To Everyone: Work at walking in the Spirit 12:14:33 From Beverley McLaughlin To Everyone: Practising the Presence of God 12:14:43 From G Michael Price To Everyone: our old business becomes toxic to us and we are drawn to be in the Spirit 24/7 12:14:55 From G Michael Price To Everyone: HIS REST 12:19:41 From G Michael Price To Everyone: Alex, God is bigger than your fibroidmialga!!!! 12:19:41 From Beverley McLaughlin To Everyone: God knows your heart 12:21:03 From Beverley McLaughlin To Everyone: And when you have done all STAND 12:22:09 From Beverley McLaughlin To Everyone: What the enemy meant for evil God will turn around for Good 12:23:09 From Beverley McLaughlin To Everyone: Genesis 50:20 12:27:41 From Beverley McLaughlin To Everyone: Help us all to Trust God in the Trials 12:29:18 From Terri G To Everyone: Amen! 12:29:32 From Beverley McLaughlin To Everyone: Amen 12:30:23 From Terri G To Everyone: Hallelujah! 12:30:26 From Beverley McLaughlin To Everyone: The price has already been paid for all sickness 12:32:50 From Beverley McLaughlin To Everyone: We stand with you Alex 12:34:29 From Beverley McLaughlin To Everyone: Healing is ours! Paid in full Satan you have no place in us 12:36:18 From Beverley McLaughlin To Everyone: It is a fight of Faith 12:37:11 From Beverley McLaughlin To Everyone: Now hopefully we can fight together 12:37:29 From Terri G To Everyone: “Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.” ‭‭James‬ ‭1‬:‭2‬-‭4‬ ‭NLT‬‬ 12:37:41 From Beverley McLaughlin To Everyone: The joy of the Lord is our strength 12:40:49 From Laurie McLain To Everyone: sorry I have to go. bless everyone!! 12:43:13 From Alex To Everyone: Thank you so much! God bless you 12:47:14 From Dan To Everyone: Peace to all 12:53:26 From Terri G To Everyone: Yes! 12:54:38 From Tom McLaughlin To Everyone: Have a great weekend! 12:54:47 From G Michael Price To Everyone: good 0ne Terri 12:54:59 From Terri G To Everyone: Thank you! God bless you all! 12:55:00 From G Michael Price To Everyone: blessings to everyone. 12:55:14 From G Michael Price To Everyone: good one Tom 12:55:53 From Alex To Everyone: Bye